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A display screen shows information about ChatGPT, a language model for dialogue optimization. The text includes details on how the model is used in conversational contexts. The background is primarily green, with pink and purple graphic lines on the right side. The OpenAI logo is positioned at the top left.
A display screen shows information about ChatGPT, a language model for dialogue optimization. The text includes details on how the model is used in conversational contexts. The background is primarily green, with pink and purple graphic lines on the right side. The OpenAI logo is positioned at the top left.


Estem ubicats al ple centre de Barcelona, des d'on oferim consultoria tecnològica per a petites i mitjanes empreses a tot Catalunya impulsant la transformació digital i la intel·ligència artificial pel nostre teixit empresarial.


Carrer Sardenya 229 4 Planta

08013 Barcelona